For DAAP Cares each member could voluntarily create a postcard with an image of any places near UC's campus that may otherwise be overlooked. However, instead of using regular photos we had to each create a watercolor painting by traditional or digital methods.
I decided to settle on a bubble teashop called "Drop In Tea". I looked through various images of the place through google and settled on one of them that I would use as the base of my image.
Editing Process
For my routine of the piece I took my image and traced lines on top that looked slightly sloppy so it would look more hand drawn.
For the base colors I took a copy of the image in photoshop and applying filters and curves to change the colors. Then I manually blended in the areas.
For the final touches on the image, I proceeded to apply orangish overly layer and watercolor textures.
For the message on the back of the postcard, we were told to write a positive message and to put the address of our chosen location.
The final postcard design was put together on a poster with all other group members that participated and submitted in a showcase.